[Herald Inteview] Tajikistan’s hydropower, mining opportunities: state committee chair


Sulton Rahimzoda, Tajikistan’s chairman of the State Committee on Investments and State Property Management, encouraged South Korean companies to invest in Tajikistan’s green energy and mining sectors in an interview with The Korea Herald. Tajikistan intends to build a green economy by 2037 and accelerate industrialization for sustainable development and job opportunities. Tajikistan offers opportunities…

Tajikistan’s Mining Industry Surges with 18% Growth in Early 2024


Mining output in Tajikistan has grown by more than 18% over the past year. Enterprises in the mining and precious metals industry for the first four months of 2024 produced quantities worth 4.3 billion somonis ($398.6 million), which is 667 million somonis ($61.7 million) or almost 19% more than the same period in 2023. According…

Inauguration of a iron ore smelter factory owned by the Belgian Honorary Consul’s Company AVAS Mining.

Congratulation dear Azim Khakimov! Inch’Allah, this production unit will be rapidly profitable for the industrial development of Tajikistan. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/vantieghem-henri-68321010a_inauguration-of-a-iron-ore-smelter-factory-activity-7190172844650115072-Oghx?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

Chinese corporation to execute coal mining and processing projects in Tajikistan


China Pingmei Shenma Holding Group Co., a Chinese state corporation, is set to execute initiatives for coal extraction and processing from the Shurob coal deposit, as per a statement from Tajikistan’s Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. A meeting between the Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Tajikistan, Zavkizoda Zavki Amin, and a delegation from the…